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My name is Dana Ayala, the creator of Palm Beach Play Dates. My journey to Motherhood was in many ways long and trying. After 2 losses and 2 years of trying, my dream of becoming a Mom finally came true. Then, 5 months after welcoming our beautiful baby boy, I was diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. Thankfully it was caught early and I went through surgery successfully and came out well on the other side. But through my journey, my feelings of isolation and anxiety had grown. I had no one that I could relate to and no one that could understand not only the joys, but also the struggles that motherhood brings. When no other outlet was found, I decided to start my own. It was from that simple beginning, that our little group, and the dream that followed, was born. 


Palm Beach Play Dates was started with just one lonely new Mom looking for camaraderie with others that could understand what she was going through. From that simple beginning, something beautiful has formed and grown and has become a full on Non-Profit organization. We are defined in our official capacity as a postpartum support group for families and children. But really, we are and always hope to be a safe haven for anyone and everyone with families that are looking for a place to be found. By bringing families together we build a community that is stronger and more united and most importantly, never alone. 



Hey All!! I'm a Mom to a sweet and handsome little boy named Caden. after my share of challenges, I decided that my life needed to change. I started PBPD as a refuge from isolation, but it has become so much more. My life has truly come into full bloom with its creation and with the dear friends I have made. I hope that everyone can find something equally special with us so that no Mom is ever alone.

Dana Ayala


Hey!! I have two awesome kiddos named Aubrielle & Trenton. Nothing made me happier than being a Momma, but at times I felt alone and bored and I wanted more! When I saw that there was a new group for Moms to get together, I was all over that. but when the first meetup came around, I sat home and missed it. I realized my fears were holding me back from making friends. I took the plunge and it has changed my life! I am so proud to be at the center of it all and building this from the inside out. I can't wait to get to know so many more of you amazing Mommas!!


Kayla Rhodes



Chae MacLea


Hi!! I am a mom of two wonderful daughters. Before giving birth to my second, I was living in Baltimore and it was hard for me to connect with other Moms. I often felt lonely and promised myself to try harder to make mom friends after making the move back to Florida. Soon after, I was introduced to PBPD and quickly found my tribe within it. I will be forever grateful for taking that first step! As we continue to grow as a community and non profit, I feel proud to be contributing to making that vision a reality. I encourage all of you to come out and join us!


Samantha Bowden


Hi!! I am a Mom to an amazing little girl named Brooke. I joined the group six months ago when we moved from Michigan. I threw myself right in by signing up for an event two days after we moved. I was nervous, but it was absolutely one of the best choices I ever made! I have made incredible friends and an amazing tribe! I am so excited to be able to be involved and help shape this group as it continues to grow. I challenge every one of you to come out to an event, you won't regret it and we would love to meet you!


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We just moved to Florida a little over a year ago with only 1 relative near by. So here I was a mom with no friends and 3 kids all under 3. I quickly searched for connection and was so excited when I found the Palm Beach play date group. I was determined that no matter what was happening on the first meet up, I was dragging all 3 babies and even my husband if need, to go make some friends. It’s so hard as adults to be vulnerable and open up to new friends, but it’s so important. We were created to be in community , to laugh and share and impart into each other and I was longing for friendship for me and my little ones. YES I was nervous about what to talk about, but the beautiful thing is we all have common ground.... KIDS ðŸ˜Š so connecting is easy. I’ve met so many amazing woman and beautiful children and it’s been awesome. Motherhood can be lonely and stressful but when you have a village around it’s beautiful and empowering. Not to mention we look pretty bad@$$ patrolling the mall lol. So grateful for the group.


I first joined the group after my son was about two months old. As a new mom with just hubby and no family around I had no idea what I was doing. When I was on maternity leave, some weeks the only thing that got me through was thinking about meeting up with others who knew what I was going through to get out and feel a little piece of civilization again! I remember one mall walk I was so nervous about having to breastfeed and not wanting to be stuffed into a bathroom so the group encouraged me and helped get my nursing cover set up to take care of business. When my son lost his favorite paci another Mom came to the rescue who happened to have a brand new one of the same kind. That’s the kind of stuff that let me know these were my type of Mom friends. Every time I attend events it feels like I’m right at home and moms in this group will talk and listen freely without judgement. One of all time favorite events was the Moms night out at Prep Obsessed, just to have a few hours with people that get where I’m at was invaluable and the wine and cake didn’t hurt either. This group is a must for any Mom wanting to establish a new tribe and I’m very thankful for it. I also appreciate the admins going out of their way to try and set up weekend events to cover working mommas, regardless of your situation they have you covered!

Christina MANTIONE

Dear Mommas,
Just a little bit of my story... I am one of those people that is very outgoing once I know you. It takes me a bit to open up sometimes. Walking into a new group can always be slightly intimidating but after 4.5 months staying home trying to entertain my extremely active little one after dealing with colic for 3 months and having not much to do but work on tummy time, I decided I needed to get out. I was starting to lose it. For the most part my son wouldn’t sleep anywhere but on me or in a stroller. I spent many days walking outside in the cooler weather from December-March so he could sleep, but it was starting to get warm (more like outdoor sauna- hey it’s FL after all) especially at his nap times. I was flipping through Facebook again one day...might have done that like a million times reading endless amounts of mom tips and activity ideas when I came across a post that had a link to Palm Beach Mommas. I decided to join. From there I found Palm Beach Play Dates. Seemed like another logical decision to request to join that group as well. I read something about mall stroller walks. Being as I live in PBG and the mall is so close, I decided what’s the worst that can happen if I go and don’t feel welcome or feel judged and uncomfortable by an entirely new group of moms??? Just excuse yourself or disappear into the nearest store and stay put. I saw that one girl had a baby that was also the same age. I decided I’d make sure she would be there that day. I forced myself to get everything packed up and went. It was the best decision. The group was so easygoing and friendly and since this is my first baby, it felt so good to have some women to chat with all experiencing some of the same things. What a breath of fresh air! I don’t think I’ve missed one stroller walk except when I was away on a family vacay. I look forward to them each week to see all the faces and have great conversation. I have also attended the moms night out and try to join in as many events as I can. Such wonderful ladies are in this group and the admin team works so hard to give us the opportunity to have all this fun. I look forward to keeping & growing the friendships I’ve already made and gaining new ones as well for years to come.

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